
research and publications

Muscle mass is an important determinant of metabolic health and physical function. 

It has previously been demonstrated that the postprandial rise in circulating essential amino acids acts as the main stimulus for muscle protein synthesis (MPS) as well as a subgroup known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) have also been shown to be important regulators of protein anabolism.

Comparing ioWhey to std Whey the Blood plasma levels of total EAA and BCAA concentration monitored showed significantly greater levels in all treated individuals at different time intervals post consumption

Thus confirming the technical application of treating whey protein with plasma surface treatment further exposed hydrophobic pockets and increased enzymatic degradation which promoted greater concentrations this showed higher biovailability upto 123% of EAA and 111% BCAA

Psychometric measures of the protein’s taste, impact on stomach distress, and post-training recovery time following ingestion was also measured and the rate of recovery was significantly faster, and showed significant reduction in stomach discomfort.

Bioavailability is related to a number of key human physiological outcomes including improved lean muscle mass. This is related to enhanced muscle protein synthesis, and a reduction in stomach discomfort produced by more complete protein digestibility.

Thus this shows that ioWhey is improved protein bioavailability through ingredient optimization technology. 

Additional Claims

Body composition

ioWhey Protein Isolate is as effective at supporting training induced changes in muscle and body fat and overall performance as 25% more non-optimized Whey Protein Isolate.

Strength & Performance

ioWhey Protein Isolate is as effective at supporting training-induced increases in upper-, lower-, and whole-body muscle strength as consuming 25% MORE protein as non-optimized Whey Protein Isolate

ioWhey Protein Isolate is as effective at supporting training-induced increases in human performance as consuming 25% MORE protein as non-optimized Whey Protein Isolate

Clinical studies

  • io® Whey Protein Isolate helps reduce body fat when taken over time with regular resistance training
  • io® Whey Protein Isolate supports increases in Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift strength when taken over time with regular resistance training
  • io® Whey Protein helps support thermogenesis / calorie burning when taken over time with regular resistance training
  • io® significantly provides support for digestion among whey protein consumers
  • io® can help improve ingredient digestibility and support consumer satisfaction